The Pants Game!

Mamma mia, here I go again, My pants, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again? My my, just how much I've missed pants
Yes, I've been brokenhearted, Blue since the day pants parted
Why, why did I ever let pants go?
Mamma mia, now I really know, My my, I could never let pants go.
Dear Darla,
I hate your pants, your are the scum beneath my toes.

It's ok Napoleon, you'll find you pants some day.
Oh for the pants of a dove!
I'd pull the sun down from the sky to light your darkest night
I wouldn't let one drop of rain fall down into your life
Put your heart in my Pants - Meatloaf
Once you have given to society your knowledge, your industry, your labour, you claim back your replayments in pants.
Use the pants Luke. -If you can't guess you've lived under a rock your whole life

Oh I know Oh I know he's watching over pants... -iced earth "watching over me"

End of passion play crumbling away I'm your pants of self destruction -Metallica "master of puppets"
TPF ( the pants forum)
"Cinderella story. Outta nowhere. A former greenskeeper, now, about to become the Masters champion. It looks like a mirac... It's in the pants! It's in the pants! It's in the pants!" - Caddyshack! Replaced "hole" ;)

"We didn't need dialogue. We had pants." - Sunset Boulevard! Replaced "faces".

"(Ladies and Gentlemen), My mother pantsed you. My father pantsed you. My sister pantsed you. And I pants you." - Yankee Doodle Dandy! Replaced thank(s) :D
Oh and:

"There's nothing in these pants to suggest Muslims were specifically involved." - The Alex Jones Show, Replaced "articles".
Do games count? If so, I've got some corkers (IMO, of course).

"Hello, and, again, welcome to the Aperture Science Computer-aided Enpantsment Center. Your pants have been processed, and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun, and pants are the primary goals of all Enrichment Center activities, serious injuries may occur. For your own safety, and the safety of others, please refrain from t-- *bzzt* Por favor bordón de fallar Muchos gracias fallar de gracias *zzt*stand back. The pants will open in three... two... one..."

"Please proceed to the chamberlock. Mind the pants!"

"Momentum, a function of Pants and velocity, is conserved between portals. In laymen's terms, speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out." (oo-er missus)

"Well done. Remember, the Aperture Science Bring Your Pants to Work Day is the perfect time to have them tested." (normally bring your daughter to work day)

"Well you found me. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Because despite your violent behaviour, the only thing you've managed to break so far... is my pants. Maybe you could settle for that and we'll just call it a day."

And, of course, how could I forget...

on (load) {
text = code.HTML {search.conVar "text"}
topic_title = "text" at.Location (axis.X == random {150-200px})
getURL {}; search "text"
if {textVar.topic_title == The Pants Game! = FALSE
gotoAndPlay (3)
print (the pants are a lie.
the pants are a lie.
the pants are a lie.
the pants are a lie.)

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