The guy at the end of the bar...

The girl at the end of the bar is staring intently at me and crying 'cause I won't go to bed with her!
The guy at the end of the bar is slobbering his drink
The guy at the end of the bar keeps licking my face.
The guy at the end of the bar is sitting in sand and watching the birds, hoping one swings by his way
The guy at the end of the bar has made eye contact... i am trying not to notice while i eat my snack
The girls at the end of the bar are screaming at me, despite their inability to comprehend the futility of actually catching the little red dot.
The dude I pay every week to come clean up the poop in the backyard just realized I don't have a pet.
One of the girls at the end of the bar just chucked her guts up. And on the carpet.... naturally.
The lady at the end of the bar is licking her @$$.
The guy at the end of the bar wants out...but he just continues to sit there......
I just picked up the girl at the end of the bar.

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