The end of the DSLR (for the 1000th time)

I don't think the dslr will die, I know for a fact it will evolve, as it has since it was a glass negative box affair with calf skin bellows. It's one generation of the ever evolving camera.
I have three DSLRs, but I'm OK with mirrorless...


of course, it has to be able to handle m42 primes.
I have beavered away with an old original Canon Digital Rebel that I bought in NYC over 10 years ago although the love had long since expired. Planning for a holiday to Canada and a cruise up to Alaska I decided to buy a new compact to save the bulk of my lenses and decided on a Lumix FZ200 that I was able to get dirt cheap from Amazon. Although not the current model the features and ease of use rekindled my love of photography to such an extent that I also decided to upgrade my DSLR. I decided to buy a used Canon 60D from a reputable dealer for peanuts which, again, while not up to date is such a huge improvement over my old kit. The added bonus is that all my old lenses work while I save up for some sexy L glass.

DSLRs dead? Nah, they're just resting.
Glass plate negative, box cameras, and other older styles are not even dead yet, there are a few still in use and more in the hands of collectors in working condition.
I see camera evolution as just that; all camera types are cameras first and therefore will never die out, just move to the next most popular style or type as demands change and tech advances.

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