The Aviator


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Mar 29, 2016
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Some recent comments on composites and the overlay method with @CherylL , prompted me to pull one out of the bin for a little fun/practice. This uses a combination of Overlay Blending, Textures, Luts, and few other little tricks.

@CherylL and @Dean_Gretsch

Thanks guys!! Sadie Mae gets about whatever she wants. LOL

Quick run down on the composite, she was shot against a grey background. The image background is actually a composite composed of a color layer, 5 layers of the same airplane, with 5 curves adjustment layers topped off with a two texture layers, and a black & white layer. All told about 30 layers but none of them were all that complicated.
I've tried but can't see the joins.
I've tried but can't see the joins.

If done right each layer should blend with the layers below, becoming a part of a complete image. There's a couple places I'm not happy with, but unless there's a glaring difference the casual observer will never notice.

I enjoy this type of post work in that I can expand beyond the capability of the camera, but also enjoy creating "themed stages" with complex lighting that lets me capture a scene SOOC. Though different processes they each build on elements, revealing as you move from back to front, much like how you approach a painting.
I've tried but can't see the joins.

If done right each layer should blend with the layers below, becoming a part of a complete image. There's a couple places I'm not happy with, but unless there's a glaring difference the casual observer will never notice.

Mission accomplished on this one I'd say. Great work.

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