Texas Meetup - August


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2004
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Can others edit my Photos
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I decided to go ahead and start the thread.
Here is a photo to start it off...

My Littlebrother Daniel took the photo...
From Left to Right... Rochelle(my friend), Corry, Joe, Littleman(me).

We all had a great time, it was hot...
I should be getting my film back later this afternoon, I'll post pics from it.

Joe and Corry are at Schlitterbahn(waterpark) in New Braunfels today having fun... So they won't be posting anything 'till later probably... lol

We really just walked aimlessly through San Antonio looking for stuff to shoot. After that we drove(with my not so good directions) to my house for a BBQ/hangout.
Cool. A first pic.
I was wondering whether you were NEVER going to post anything!?!?!??
So it was basically only just Corry, Joe, yourself, brother and friend?
That is a much smaller meet-up than I would have expected!!!

So when will I get to see all your super-cool pics from hot San Antonio in August (where I was 8 years ago, also in August!)?
Ok, got my photos in and edited.
I didn't take too many this meetup(conserving film)

Here are a few,

The Group. Rochelle(mi amiga), Joe, Corry, Daniel(my brother)

A lamp on the side of a vine covered wall..

The beautiful Rochelle playing with Corry's camera. (in the icecream shop)

Something a little different for y'all. :D

Community Service... :lol:

Last, a random DoF photo. :p

Here's a link to the rest of my photos I took that day.
I miss Texas! :( Sorry, Pictures look cool.. I just had to whine about not being where I belong. Texas.
Thanks for starting the tread, I've been looking forward to pictures! Looks like it was a nice outing.
:lol: There you go - now, that's a meetup picture! :thumbup:

Have fun and stay cool. ;)
And Joe and Corry did NOT go to the Schlitterbahn. IT WAS CLOSED! :grumpy: Instead, we went spelunking in the Natural Bridge Caverns.
How can the close Schlitterbahn?! That's just evil. Can't wait to see more photos. Joe, that group picture is fantastic :thumbsup:
Alison said:
How can the close Schlitterbahn?! That's just evil. Can't wait to see more photos. Joe, that group picture is fantastic :thumbsup:

Starting yesterday, the day we were supposed to BE there, they are only open on weekends. :grumpy:
Well, I HOPE we'll get a crowd as big as yours together in London on 2 and 3 September!!!

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