Test Photo


TPF Noob!
Nov 29, 2018
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What a happy and smiling two young ladies they are, very good shot.
What a happy and smiling two young ladies they are, very good shot.

Thank you sir. These are my 2 daughters. The Airman (oldest daughter) just graduated BMT this past August.
What a happy and smiling two young ladies they are, very good shot.

Thank you sir. These are my 2 daughters. The Airman (oldest daughter) just graduated BMT this past August.

Well congrats to your Airman daughter who graduated, you must be very proud of her.
Shad lav e' Very good it is ```
Your airman daughter looks very familiar as does the name, and I can't place it. Is she by chance an Air Force performer/choir/singer?
What fine-looking young ladies they are. You must be very proud. A nice test photo!

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