Super Moons 2023


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Oct 21, 2016
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This is just an informational post. Yesterday was a "Super Moon" in a large part of North America. I saw it half by accident. I knew it was due, but really, I just looked out at around 3:00 AM and saw it. It might repeat tomorrow, I'm not sure. I'm posting a link to a video, but it is not really that informative. If you do the usual Google searches, you should be able to find out more.

"Sturgeon Supermoon Illuminates the Night Sky Around the World",
posted Aug 2, 2023 ty "TIME", length 1:04
We saw it around 10:30 last night - it was absolutely gorgeous! Huge and colorful.
Too cloudy here and again tonight, maybe at the end of the month for the second one.
What happened to me was that I had heard it was due, but it has been cloudy every night for a couple of months, so I did not schedule it. I was just awake at the time and I decided to take a look. It was low in the sky and fairly visible -- good enough for a picture. I was not ready for it, and I don't feel too bad for missing it, but it would have been nice. . . .
Super Blue Moon Tonight, peak at around 21:30-ish.
If this storm moves out we may see it tonight here for moonrise. A better bet would be moonset tomorrow morning. I don’t think I’ll be shooting it but never know.
Pretty overcast here, too - we've been watching this gorgeous moon get bigger every night over the last few days, but we're going to miss out on the main event.
I saw it but didn’t manage to get any half decent photos. It was just too overcast and hazy. Took a couple but I just know they’re not that great so I haven’t even bothered editing them yet. I didn’t realise until almost 9pm, so literally just grabbed my camera gear and rushed to the local nature reserve - in hindsight I should have stayed put while it still looked huge near the horizon
I saw it but didn’t manage to get any half decent photos. It was just too overcast and hazy. Took a couple but I just know they’re not that great so I haven’t even bothered editing them yet. I didn’t realise until almost 9pm, so literally just grabbed my camera gear and rushed to the local nature reserve - in hindsight I should have stayed put while it still looked huge near the horizon

Agree, getting it near the horizon is crucial for supermoons or it looks just like any other moon.
I tried to get some shots of it last night but they wound up being out of focus for some reason.
For the last two days I had covered over nights, but the days were not really bad. The cloud cover just rolled in to prevent the moon pics. A pity, but nothing I could do about it.

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