Suggestion for Open Source HDR program


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 23, 2019
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I downloaded Picturenaut and Luminance over the weekend and have had problems with both. Luminance seems to be doing fine until you get to the 'finish' stage, at which point it crashes. The program closes and your work is lost. Picturenaut does a decent job, but it doesn't read RW2 files. The menu has an option for "Panasonic RAW", but it's not RW2.

I've done searches and cannot find any support for either of these. Anyone have any experience with either?
I don't have that problem with Luminance. What version are you using?
Whichever the newest one is, I believe 3.2. I tried it on two computers (both Win 10) and encountered the same problem.
Maybe try an earlier version?
Good idea, I might give it a shot. I've been able to get decent results by saving my RAW files as a 12 bit TIFF and using Picturenaut for HDR processing, then going back to Darktable to finish them up. I think for as little as I'll be shooting HDR I'll be all set for now. I just wish one of them had a place to send a comment or question.

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