Strength Training


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 8, 2014
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Morgantown, WV
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Is anyone here into strength training/athletic training? I have started a strength and resistance training program modeled after the Mark Rippetoe's Starting Strength. I learned how to do the lifts and saw significant progress about a year and a half to a year ago before stopping due to life getting in the way.

I'm starting up again because I want to realize my body's biological ability. I want to be mobile, active, and living life when I'm 70, 80, etc should I be so lucky as to live to then. I'm setting a goal of being able to deadlift 300lbs by the end of the year (2x my bodyweight).

Here are two of my friends competing in a strongman competition last year.
Your friends look great! I still need to lose a couple of pounds. Strength training perfectly tightens the body, but in order to lose weight, you need to spend more time on cardio exercises. My girlfriend finally persuaded me to go with her to the gym. She used to train at home, she found information about workouts on the Internet, f. e. here But she didn't practice regularly, it was from time to time. We have been going to the gym together for more than 3 months. I see the result.
but in order to lose weight, you need to spend more time on cardio exercises.
For most people, just doing cardio exercises, really isn't the solution for losing weight. It's great for your cardiovascular health, but if the diet and activity levels for the rest of the day remain the same, losing weight will be very difficult.

A common saying is that weight is lost in the kitchen, not the gym. I have found a lot of truth in that.

I had been going to the gym (in spurts) and riding my bike to work in the summer. At best, my weight remained constant but over a couple decades working a desk job, it just kept gradually going up. I didn't think my diet was that bad...I only ate out sporadically and ate lots of pasta, fruit & yogurt etc.

At just about 300 lbs, I really changed my diet. Without increasing my activity level, I lost almost 100 lbs in about 14 months. I've kept it off for about 4 years so far and I'm not looking back.
i took a two year hiatus from the gym. now i go three days a week. just do the 5x5 stronglifts, and hate every second of it.
i took a two year hiatus from the gym. now i go three days a week. just do the 5x5 stronglifts, and hate every second of it.

Yeah but it had me deadlifting 425lbs at one point. (And then I had kids. Now I deadlift them.)
my PR was 310, I'm back up to 250 after restarting at 150lbs. Only been at it for just shy of three months again.
my PR was 310, I'm back up to 250 after restarting at 150lbs. Only been at it for just shy of three months again.

That’s pretty awesome. I’m a naturally large human, haha. Mine was after about a year of training. It’s so miserable though, you’re right. By the time I was squatting 225+ , I wanted to puke every work out.
The worst is the high-schoolers or even tiny girls out squatting and DLing me...

I have a horrible motivation and laziness problem, but i still just go and stick with it.

You really do feel so much better when you get in shape.
The worst is the high-schoolers or even tiny girls out squatting and DLing me...

I have a horrible motivation and laziness problem, but i still just go and stick with it.

You really do feel so much better when you get in shape.

Yeah I have weak excuses, haha. I have the power rack, bench, bar, and 325 lbs of plates in my basement. I’ve gotten back up to the 225 squat and 315 dead lift a couple of times, and then I lose interest. I should get going again.

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