Storing PS Plugins On Alternate Drive


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Mar 29, 2016
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Trying to conserve space on my SSD-Drive C, by swapping some things over to an external SSD connected via a Thunderbolt port. Is it possible to save the new Neural Filter plugins to an external drive??? I can't find an option or anything at Adobe that even discusses it??????

An alias is a pointer to a file or folder on your hard drive. The alias is a
small file that takes very little space because it only has information about
the location of the original file. It is not an exact copy of the original file.

When you delete the alias, the original file it points to is not deleted.
@NS: Nikon Shooter okay brain fade. On the Neural Filters the only way I've found to get them is to add them through PS > Neural Filters. When you click on a a filter the first time it automatically starts a download. There are no options for where to store them, and so far I can find little information on what type of files they are, where they are going, or how to get rid of them if you decide you don't want them.
Looks like the might be in c:\users\....\Appdata\Roaming\Adobe\UXP\PluginsStorage\PHSP\22\Internal\\

But I've got a suspicion that they'll need to be in that folder to work.
Thanks @weepete I'll do some snooping there. I suspect you are right about the location requirements.

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