St. Louis Under the Arch

The Barbarian

Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 14, 2005
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I've been in that exact spot, but never been up in the arch. Unfortunately a bad childhood experience caused me to be claustrophobic.
Love the wide angle! I haven't been there since the remodel. Been up in the arch many times and am claustrophobic too.
I've been in that exact spot, but never been up in the arch. Unfortunately a bad childhood experience caused me to be claustrophobic.
I'm claustrophobic and afraid of heights. But I went up. Twice. That was enough. :nightmare:
Good old Arch......... :headbang:

Last time I went was back in 2018. Need to go again sometime this year and recreate this shot I took with my Pop's 126 cam when I was a mere 5 years old.
Good shot of the public. So glad I left St. Louis and the United States.

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