Squirrel Proof Bird Feeders


TPF Noob!
Jun 25, 2007
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New York City
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Ok, so I bought a squirrel proof bird feeder because I have a lot of pretty birds in my area that I wanted to photograph. Well, I found out that this "squirrel proof feeder" is indeed NOT a squirrel proof feeder, but rather a squirrel Inn, if you will.

I'm not sure how to place them in consecutive order in photoshop, so the 4 photos are side by side. Can anyone share with me how to do that?

Attached are the photos.



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Very funny, but I think I would ask for my money back. Looks like you have the proof they do not work, :D.

Send your photos to the company that makes them and see if they want to use your photos for advertising purposes,:shock:.

It put a big smile on my face to read your post. I really would like to send these photos somewhere, probably Jay Leno, he loves this stuff.

Hope you're having a good day designing industrial engineers. (haha, just kidding).
just out of curiousity... how close is the big feeder from the tree? If it was right up next it that might be the problem. If that is at least 10-20ft from the tree and 5ft from the ground I would have a hard time imagining a squirrel being able to do anything with that then.
Shame the ones with the squirrel aren't sharp. Camera shake. Looks like you were a little bit too excited, julie... 8-)
ACK! We just bought that identical feeder two weeks ago! Fortunately, the squirrels haven't gotten into it yet. :shock:

If that is at least 10-20ft from the tree and 5ft from the ground I would have a hard time imagining a squirrel being able to do anything with that then.
I'm not sure that would even stop them. They're clever little buggers. My Mother's new feeder keeps them out but not away. :D
ha, i guess nobody has answered the question yet... i guess the way -I- would do it, is to go file->new and then set the new pallet thats whatever size you want your final compilation to be. Then just drag the individual images into that new pallet and resize them to fit. then merge all layers and save.

by the way... our bird feeder isnt exactly squirrel proof either....
Awesome! Find a way to automatically close the lid once they're in and you can sell them to the pet shops. :D

BTW, there's a script in PS that will place the photos all in one image for you automatically. Look for File -> Automate -> Contact Sheet II

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