Spots w/ 20D

M @ k o

TPF Noob!
May 12, 2005
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Florida U S A
Is it normal to have these sensor spots? Raymond J Barlow noticed it in one of my past photos I posted. I got the manual out and gently cleaned it like the manual said. But , I really didn't see any dust or particles on the sensor. I took a few sunset photos yesterday and noticed a few shots again and had to do some PS cloning. Is this kinda normal with this camera or digital cameras? :confused:

Thx for any info.
Copperhill works great. I have used it MANY, MANY times over the past year or so. I made my own sensor swipe with a rubbermaid frosting spatula. I cut it down to size, then put a angled tip on it.
These spots will only show up using f12 or smaller appeture, unless you have real bad sensor dust like I had. They showed up in blue sky on f8. I got the copperhill thing and tried following their instruments on "never pass your sensor twice with the same part of a pad" that is garbage. I literally had to scrub back and forth to get the crap off like getting a stain off your kitchen table!
i have the same problem with the same camera, turns out it was dust in the lens though

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