Souvenir from Paris


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Dec 13, 2011
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This photo viewer is called Graphoscope. It was used in the bourgeois living rooms to look at photographs in their finest details.
This one was probably part of a series proposed to visitors of a world fair in Paris (the one of 1889 or that of 1900? To be determined).

Graphoscope Souvenir de Paris small 001.jpg

It was made from blackened wood and made simple

Graphoscope Souvenir de Paris small 003.jpg

The facade is beautifully engraved with floral motifs and the words "Souvenir de Paris"

Graphoscope Souvenir de Paris small 002.jpg

This graphoscope allowed me to discover in this photo of the Notre Dame cathedral the ghost of a man pushing a handcart in the middle of the street

gros plan.jpg

The ghost effect being obviously the consequence of a very long exposure time.
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Totally cool
I like your picture seeing the photograph thru the viewer, and the close up of the ghosting. Fascinating.
Great find. Love it.
being from Paris, I am deeply sad to see how this emblematic monument of spirituality is dammaged.
Fortunately, helps are coming from everywhere to rebuild this heart of Paris.
I hope I could live long enough to see Notre Dame completely rebuilt.
I'm also hoping Notre Dame being rebuilt soon. That is a great souvenir thoughtful and a great find from your side. We had an amazing visit when we had an anniversary trip few years ago and I'm glad we had the chance of experiencing it from close. The architecture and design were just unbelievable and we couldn't leave without getting a few souvenirs to remind us of these moments.I even went on designing a personalized photo keychain from Custom Photo Keychain as they have a great design team that makes it look as realistic as possible.
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First delayed by the Covid pandemic, today, things are going better. The stone works are now completely secure and the experts are in the process of selecting the hundred-year-old oak trees for the roof frame as well as the spire.

A three years rebuilt time is now estimated

Here is one of my photos of the old lady before the disaster

Notre Dame.jpg
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Wonderful photograph Dany. Spent Easter weekend 1968 in this special city. Did as much of the tourist stuff as we could fit in in the three days.
Never been to Paris and no desire to do so but what a nice little trinket that is.

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