Sony's Top Line Pro Full-Frame A9-II


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Oct 21, 2016
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Sony's a9-II was announced Oct 3, 2019. I missed it. I don't have that kind of money anyway, but some of you guys are probably interested, so here is a start point for research:

"Flagship Sony A9 II boasts a new body, better AF / IS, plus gigabit Ethernet, 5GHz Wi-Fi and dual UHS-II"
- posted Oct 3, 2019, "Imaging Resource", by "Mike Tomkins.

"Flagship Sony A9 II boasts a new body, better AF / IS, plus gigabit Ethernet, 5GHz Wi-Fi and dual UHS-II"

The camera will be available November for $4,500 US.

"Sony a9II Camera Review by an Actual Sports Photographer",
- posted by Patrick Murphy-Racey, Oct 14. 2019
* NOTE: This video is 39:19 (VERY LONG) and a "user experience" report -- not a technical analysis.

This camera in particular, and the Canon M6 mk II and EOS 90D pair, I see aimed at the 2020 Olympics. This Sony a9-ii aimed at the Pros and the Canon pair aimed at the people going to see the events. Spectators wanting to get their best pictures for what may be a once-in-a-lifetime holiday adventure will say to themselves "yeah, that's want I want, more resolution in a small camera! Canon 32MP!" The Pros on the other hand won't want to risk a botched piece of "new technology", so all the upgrades are practical "get-the-job-done" stuff.
This is gorgeous I still have to internet from a nearby library when I get the time so Im not fully back but at least I got here in time to see the new changes. =0 Fantabulous It looks great.

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