sick of haiku? Try a limerick


TPF Noob!
Sep 16, 2005
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OK, so I posted this as a joke in the Haiku thread, but I figured I'd start a limerick one as well.

I would strongly urge folks to read the following link to see how to construct limericks. I don't pretend to have a clue about poetry, so I cast no judgment. Mine suck, but, like my photography, I'm practicing and stretching my poesy.

Anyway, here's my first contribution to the Limerick thread:

Jocose had talents untold
was rather low in the gold
an idea in the rough
of girls in the buff
Jocose was not so bold
Daniel set out for the night
looking for a person to fight
he found a weak fool
and took him to school
it was such a terrible sight

My boss is a pain in the rear.
The thing she needs is clear.
A very good lay,
Will improve her day.
Would take a lot of beer!
You really should look at this thread
Before these limericks go quite to your head
They are just as addicting, and I am predicting
If started, we won’t stop till we’re dead!
The girls that he meets proclaim
The sight of his body's a shame
Small in the groin
can be quite annoyin'
He'd like just one to remain.
jocose said:
The girls that he meets proclaim
The sight of his body's a shame
Small in the groin
can be quite annoyin'
He'd like just one to remain.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Of a personal nature, this is
An alarming bit of quite personal biz
I’d say, "Pray go on" but then you might carry on
And end up saying, “Tomorrow, a quiz!”
I cannot believe that I missed
The evening that Meysha got p*ssed :stun:
Found her phrases so funny
For 'stroking the bunny'
I'm thinking of starting a list ;)
I really don't like limericks,
In fact, they make me quite sick.
When I make this I dread,
We'll have another thread,
Of poems and pointless tricks.

I hate rhyming the last word, had to check a rhyme dictionary to find a word ;)
But you're rather good, Matty-bass,
It looks live you've learned it in class.
And don't you have fear,
It's just fun and queer
and will never be a pain in the ****.

...happy we've got censorship.
Oh no! why to censor my prose?
do they want me to get less verbose?
well, this is not nice
and I should not pay the price
Cause it's all of the fault of Jocose
We've been here before
And I tell you once more
That once you pop
It is tricky to stop
And possibly starts to bore!
In the chat rooms he would stay
until he learned that day.
The girl that he met
on the internet
was a man whose name was Jay.
This forum is friendly to kids;
Profanity we strictly forbids.
So here I invite
You all to my site.
And see me go down the skids!
I see that time has passed,
and this thread is really a blast,
But this is sad,
and it makes me mad,
Because I really cant be ****d,!

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