Self Portrait


TPF Noob!
Mar 7, 2006
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Hey all! I was extremely bored last night, and inspired by my trendy new red!! Please let me know your thoughts...thanks!

I don't want to sound mean, but I think you did a little too much post-processing; but for me, I have never really liked heavy post-processing. The composition is fine though.
Thanks for the honest comments! Yeah, I thought I overdid it a little on the skin retouching, but I guess whenever I do a self portrait, I tend to "see more" that needs retouching! LOL! Does anyone here know of a good way to retouch photos in a way that gets rid of freckles without just blurring them out? I guess that's what I'm so self conceious about. Or, maybe I should just find a better!
Do you have a copy from before the skin edits? You can add the edited image on top as a layer and then adjust its transparency value to change its impact on the image.

I find the light to be a bit too direct. From the light on the skin, it looks like an on-camera flash, which tends to be rather harsh as a main light. Did you do any edits to the highlights in the eyes? They don't seem to match the light, but the skin edits could be tricking my eye. I'd also try less of a wide angle. Anything you can shoot a self portrait with while holding the camera in your hand is going to distort your face and give you balloon-head. I think you'll find going out to telephoto will be much more pleasing to your eyes. Try both and compare.

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