[req] Portraiture


TPF Noob!
Jun 18, 2004
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Sebastopol Ca
I'm interested in doing some portraits and/or modeling. However I'm not too interested in for example hiring a professional model. How is the best way to go about asking people to take pictures or whatever? Also any other tips in portraiture would be much appreciated.

When I have taken portraits, I usually just ask some friends. It's great for practice.

Although, I am fortunate to have some seriously drop-dead gorgeous friends....for example:
These guys were all just my friends (and one was myself). It worked out nicely in the end.

Most people would LOVE to have their picture taken *properly*, so they'll most likely say yes. And the best thing - it's free!
You could ask aspiring models to pose for you on a TFP basis. Time For Prints. You shoot, they pose, and you both get prints that can add to your portfolios.
Jaffapie said:
When I have taken portraits, I usually just ask some friends. It's great for practice.

Although, I am fortunate to have some seriously drop-dead gorgeous friends....for example:
These guys were all just my friends (and one was myself). It worked out nicely in the end.

Most people would LOVE to have their picture taken *properly*, so they'll most likely say yes. And the best thing - it's free!
Yeah wow those are realy amazing...I need to find more female friends since I can only think of one person who might be interested....hmm thanks for the advice though. :lol:

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