Repression (constructive criticism always welcome!)


TPF Noob!
Oct 9, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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Always looking to grow!


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It seems just too under-exposed for anything to really stand out. I think if you had a little more light on her face, it would have been a stronger image.
Ignoring the relationship of the title to the picture which escapes me, her face is dark, one eye is hidden entirely and the brightest part of the picture is her chest and top of her shoulders which compete with her face for attention.
Always looking to grow!
I apparently don't get it. Sometimes I wish photographers would give a bit of background on the shot rather than just expecting everyone to "react". If I react in an unfavorable way, are you then going to react negatively to my reaction?
Always looking to grow!
I apparently don't get it. Sometimes I wish photographers would give a bit of background on the shot rather than just expecting everyone to "react". If I react in an unfavorable way, are you then going to react negatively to my reaction?

Okay, i can expand! i personally like this photo because of the darkness ( may just be my computer screen but i can still see quite a few details) I chose the name repression because i see the girl as being abused, hence the darkness of one eye, hallow checks, ext. also the way she seams to literally be fading into the background, the way a bad memory might be in the background of your subconscious.
It's not a bad photo, but I agree that it's under exposed. It can be properly exposed and still have the dramatic effect you are trying to achieve.

After your explanation I get it, but your photo shouldn't have to be explained. The expression on her face is more of a "shamed" look that repressed in my opinion. That's the beauty of art though. We all have our own interpretation.

Keep posting. love to see more of your work.
It's not a bad photo, but I agree that it's under exposed. It can be properly exposed and still have the dramatic effect you are trying to achieve.

After your explanation I get it, but your photo shouldn't have to be explained. The expression on her face is more of a "shamed" look that repressed in my opinion. That's the beauty of art though. We all have our own interpretation.

Keep posting. love to see more of your work.

edited: changed exposure in lightroom and toned down highlights on her chest and shoulders
It's now a better photograph, although I'm still not sure if the artistic intent has been achieved.
hanged exposure in lightroom and toned down highlights on her chest and shoulders

Now when I look at it, my eyes goes to her eye and her face, now the brightest part of the picture.
Because you have made the eye the brightest part, knowing I would look.
I see what you want me to see first and then can concentrate on the expression and try to parse the image.

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