Red Rocks of Sedona


Level 40 Squirrel Warrior
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2021
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The Colony, Texas, USA
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Gah!! These are all so lovely, I'm feeling the urge to book some travel plans. :heartpump: Great compositions. Well done!
Gah!! These are all so lovely, I'm feeling the urge to book some travel plans. :heartpump: Great compositions. Well done!
Thank you! Already plotting another trip out that way next year. There is so much to see and photograph.
A very good set....
Thank you!
Nice shots.
Wow, these are great Jeff! Makes me want to visit Sedona haha.
Thank you! Already plotting another trip out that way next year. There is so much to see and photograph.
Only been there once but at the time I wasn’t doing photography of any kind. What a missed opportunity.

Nice set Jeff.
Great set! Love the clouds position in #3
Thank you! Love it when nature cooperates. :)
Only been there once but at the time I wasn’t doing photography of any kind. What a missed opportunity.

Nice set Jeff.
Thanks! We only spent an afternoon there this past time, but plan on a longer stay in the future.

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