Red-bellied Woodpecker


Level 40 Squirrel Warrior
Supporting Member
Mar 18, 2021
Reaction score
The Colony, Texas, USA
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Today is overcast and cold, with dropping temps, and we are under a Winter weather advisory. I changed up the birdseed mix a bit, and now have little suet balls mixed in. The Red-bellied Woodpecker got one of them. Probably going to need to replace the feeder soon, because the easy-feed ports are worn, and they are dumping a lot of food on the ground now. Not a huge problem, because the Juncos, Doves, and Finches are having a feast, but it attracts the wrong kind of rodents as well. Doesn't help that it's windy and swinging the feeder.

Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary, f/8 1/1000 ISO 2500 @600mm
jan29202301 by Jeff Ashman, on Flickr
Nice and crisp Jeff!
Thank you! I thought it would be too dark, because we have heavy overcast skies today, but I was able to fiddle with the sliders in Lightroom without overdoing it. He appears to be one happy bird with his find.
Such a great moment captured here. I think the overcast skies help with color, frankly. That head looks terrific. Nice and crisp, too, as Cheryl said.

I like messing with the feeders, too, and trying to anticipate their needs. Our local temps are fixing to plummet and they get a little frenetic out there. :lol: I'll be stuffing the feeders all week!
Ooh! Beautiful! :)
The sharpness here is impressive. Jeff this is outstanding. Steady hand, must come from all that time in the KGB :D
Such a great moment captured here. I think the overcast skies help with color, frankly. That head looks terrific. Nice and crisp, too, as Cheryl said.

I like messing with the feeders, too, and trying to anticipate their needs. Our local temps are fixing to plummet and they get a little frenetic out there. :lol: I'll be stuffing the feeders all week!
Thanks! The birds will be hitting it hard today. We've dropped to upper 20's, so they'll need the energy to keep warm.
Ooh! Beautiful! :)
Thank you!
The sharpness here is impressive. Jeff this is outstanding. Steady hand, must come from all that time in the KGB :D
Thanks! 😅
Really nice shot.

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