Rajar No 6


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 13, 2011
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I love bakelite cameras. Bakelite material is ideal to obtain elaborated shapes that are not possible using metal or wood.
The Rajar No 6 is the very first klapp camera made from bakelite. Its art deco style make it very easy to recognize.
It has been released in 1929 by a British consortium of camera manufacturers called APM (Amalgamated Photographic Manufacturers Ltd)
I have been searching quite a long time to find an exemplary without breaking or crack in the bakelite and finally fund one.

(By the way, to be added to my collection, I am looking for a bakelite folding camera with a typical streamlined soap shape produced by both Ebner, Gallus and Pontiac. If you have one in your attic......;o)

APM - Rajar N°6  low def 002.jpg

APM - Rajar N°6  low def 001.jpg

APM - Rajar N°6 low def 006.jpg

Nice find. I didn't know they had USB back then (I T). neat.
:biglaugh: HDMI was only optional at the time.
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Nice design and nice photos of it too. Looks like the bellows is holding up well.
Oooh, those are so cool. Nice photos of it too.

Time or Instant JC, you nut! lol

I have a bakelite folded up shaped like whatever but it's a Kodak. More than one now that I think about it... I love art deco style in not just cameras, always have.
The big company from Rochester took inspiration from the Rajar to release some years later a klapp camera, the very pretty Hawkette No2

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