R 5 "Controls Are Locked"


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Jan 2, 2007
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Cali, Colombia
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I'm not sure what I touched but when I turn the camera on the message "Controls Are Locked" appears on the screen. Weird though because they don't seem to be. When set to manual mode I can change f stop, exposure and ISO. I've gone to the menu and unchecked what looks like it might refer to control lock but the opening message persists. Any idea what adjustment I can un do?
I'm not sure what I touched but when I turn the camera on the message "Controls Are Locked" appears on the screen. Weird though because they don't seem to be. When set to manual mode I can change f stop, exposure and ISO. I've gone to the menu and unchecked what looks like it might refer to control lock but the opening message persists. Any idea what adjustment I can un do?
I assume you checked the user's manual? Perhaps try a factory reset.
I didn"t find "controls are locked" in the users manual.
I didn't find "controls are locked" in the users manual.
Anything similar in the Error Message section? (Obviously, I'm not familiar with your camera, just guessing.)
A quick search came up with this:
I would be so happy if it were so but it is not. All options on Multifunction Lock are unchecked but the opening screen image percists.
Sounds like it's time to give Canon a call. Good luck, and let us know the outcome!
Is there a tiny button close to the shutter release button that says "Lock" next to it?

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