problems updating firmware on Godox TT685N


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Dec 30, 2011
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I've downloaded the G1 installer and TT685n files. When I install the G1 installer, the last part of the install doesn't find or install 2 files. This has happened on different computers. And when I try to install the firmware on my flash the installer can't connect to the flash through USB. I'm using a new HP computer with windows 11. What am I doing wrong? Edit:
After reading all the complaints online, I see that I am not the only one with this problem. Hopefully Godox will get their act together and fix this. I have 2 flashes and a radio controller that are worthless with my Z5 at this point.
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Got everything updated but, what an ordeal. I have a godox tt685 and a flashpoint mini which is a rebranded tt350. The godox installer would not completely install on either of my computers. Finally, I installed the flashpoint F1 installer and downloaded the firmware for a flash that looked like a tt685. Turns out, the firmware had a "685" in the file name. Using the flashpoint installer and firmware, the tt685 now works in ttl mode with the Z5. The mini is a different story. I downloaded and installed the flashpoint F2 installer and the firmware. Problem was that the firmware from flashpoint was the same as the out of date firmware that came on the flash "1.3" so I went to the Godox site and downloaded their 1.4 firmware for the tt350. The flashpoint installer accepted it without a hitch. Now both flashes work fine with my Z5.

One more thing, in order to get the mini (tt350) to connect with my computer I had to power it up and then take the batteries out while it was still on. GO FIGURE!
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