Problem with wedding photographer


TPF Noob!
Sep 22, 2013
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Hi all! I'm hoping for some advice from the pros out there, as to what our next step should be. (or to tell me, if we are completely off base in being upset with our pics).

Here's the story:
We hired a local photographer to photograph our wedding. She was on par price wise with all the photographers we contacted. However, she would bring a second shooter. We thought this was a great plus, and we liked the work on her website. So we hired her. Our mistake there was that we did not look at the second shooter's work. We assumed that the second shooter would give our photographer all the pictures he took, and that she would then do the editing.

The day of the wedding, I asked her if our faces were shadowed, and was told "No, don't worry about it!" Also, the second shooter was taking pics of our rings, and my mother-in-law suggested that I wouldn't want them done on the pink couch (both hubbie & I weren't in the room). The second shooter kinda houghed his breath and said that he was the "artist". I was told when the photographers left that night that it would be 6 weeks before the pics would be ready. After the wedding, we didn't hear anything (not even any sneak peaks emailed to us), so I emailed after 6 weeks and asked when the pics would be ready. I was told that our photographer had to get together with the second shooter, and get his edited pics, and then she would bring them to us the following Friday.

My hubbie and I were completely excited to get the pics, and stuck the DVD's of jpgs into our DVD player to look at them on our big TV. Right away, we noticed that the color was off (grass that had been dull green was bright tropical green). So, we thought maybe it was the color of our TV, so we looked at them on my laptop. But still the color was off (just with the second shooter's pics). All outside pictures were overexposed. (You can't tell the difference between my skin/dress/flowers). Also, all outside pictures, our necks/faces are shadowed. One picture that the photographer edited the background to be B&W, and we were color, the edges of the color are very sharp & jaged, it looks like we were cut and pasted from another picture onto the B&W background. All pictures inside (so the ceremony & recepetion pics) should have had some noise reduction done. One of the pics that the second shooter edited to be a Thank-You card, had both my hubbie & our last name spelled incorrectly. Some of our must take poses that I know they took, weren't included in the edited pics.

Anyway, we are trying to work something out with the photographer. We've asked her to re-edit the obvious problem ones (not all, just some of the obvious ones, that we want to hang on our walls). She first offered us the RAW files so we could edit them ourselves (which I was not expecting, but thought... hey Bonus!), but then talked to the second shooter and said that it is a copyright violation, and that it's illegal to give us RAW files. Now, she is claiming that she sees nothing wrong with the pics (hasn't even fixed the spelling mistake), and will not be sending us the RAW files. She refuses to re-edit them, and won't give us the original files so we can have a blank slate to fix them ourselves.

I tried telling her that I didn't want to "steal" her work, I just wanted to be able to hang properly edited pics on our walls. Anyway... I'm not really sure where to go from here? Our photographer considers everything completely finished, and she is mad that we are not happy, and ignored emails from us. I'll post some of the pics that I was talking about, am I off base with being upset about the pics?

OP: The images have been deleted based on potential copyright violation. You may edit the image to post a link, or provide proof of copyright release.

Shadowed faces & necks:

Can't tell difference between dress/flowers:

Difference in tree color (one was photographer edited, one was second shooter edited):

Badly edited B&W/Color:

Very grainy/noisy pic:

Please, am I wrong to be upset? And, what can I now do?
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What does your contract say?
I would have someone, an attorney, review your contract. I am sorry, but those are really bad.
Illegal to give you the RAWs and copyright violation are kinda hogwash.

Sounds like you've got a real issue on your hands. I agree. Have an atty review your contract and discuss options. The problem is that you can't get your day back, but perhaps you can have the photographer pay for someone else to edit your shots or something. Dunno. Not sure what would be appropriate reparations here.
Looks like a typical Amateur Pro, or MWAC Pro... that is allergic to flash, doesn't know how to handle bad high-contrast light, has a low end camera that doesn't handle low light / high ISO well, and weak compositional skills!

If you paid for these, I hope you didn't pay much! If you tried to get a "Bargain" and not pay much... well, this is what happens. Check your contract... see what it says. I don't know if Canada has a small claims court... but you can always talk to an attorney.

Good luck...

( I was going to post a youtube video of Judge Joe Brown giving an Amateur PRO hell for shooting a wedding badly, but the video has been taken down!)
Fill flash. How does it work?

I seriously hope you didn't pay much for these.
The photographer was the same price (within $200) of other photographers in our area.

Our contract says that we will get a disc of the edited pics. (which we did get, but I think that the editing is a crappy job). I'll chat with an attorney tomorrow, and definitely will be looking into The Better Business Bureau.

If we find someone who knows what they are doing, do you guys think that the pics can be fixed? or are they beyond help?
Truthfully, I think my Windows Picture Viewer "auto fix" would have done a better job with the pictures that I've seen, and I'm a relative newbie by comparison of the above photographers opinions.

I assumed that they basically undercut the pros in the area to get business and maximize profitability, which had no correlation of price to quality.

The lawyer option seems the best. Good luck.
If we find someone who knows what they are doing, do you guys think that the pics can be fixed? or are they beyond help?

If they shot in RAW you could recover some of these. If they shot JPEG not much you can do.

If you legally get the raw files if be more than happy to help.
You don't have to say, much was this photographer?

You say "within $200" so I assume she cost more than $200? Heh
Wow, theses are bad the Skin tones and exposures are all over the place. My question is does the original photographer check out the work of the back up and if not then IMO he or she is careless and at fault.
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Truthfully, I think my Windows Picture Viewer "auto fix" would have done a better job with the pictures that I've seen, and I'm a relative newbie by comparison of the above photographers opinions.
Actually, if you look at the EXIF data for the first one that *IS* the software that is shown to have been used.
Ouch! I'm sorry; nothing to add, other than I hope you are able to realize an acceptable resolution!
Truthfully, I think my Windows Picture Viewer "auto fix" would have done a better job with the pictures that I've seen, and I'm a relative newbie by comparison of the above photographers opinions.
Actually, if you look at the EXIF data for the first one that *IS* the software that is shown to have been used.
My EXIF viewer is choking on these; what does it say about gear used?

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