POTM nomination

Fred von den Berg

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May 27, 2016
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My idea is to increase the number of photos entered into the monthly vote.

In addition to the usual nomination process, photos that receive five or more likes (or a combination of likes and winner) should automatically be put forward. This might provide more variety of genre and would certainly increase the total number of images to be considered so that a first, second and third place could be awarded.
An interesting concept considering that I've noticed a few users will leave a like but not post onto a thread.

I'm not sure if the technical back-end of the forum software could actually link up likes to achieve what you're after with any ease.

The other issue is that not everyone sees likes as the same thing. I'd wager that you'd be more likely to get a sudden surge in ferret photos appearing as nominations if it were linked to likes. Along with general pet photos and a lot more casual photography/cute stuff. Because people use likes for different reasons and many often use it as a very casual tool. And because its a simple one click affair you'd find it harder to enforce any change in attitude of the membership toward it.

The best option would be a nominate button somewhere on the site; but I think that would require some careful coding of the forum software to achieve - at least a dedicated separate button would be easier to define peoples interpretation of how it should be used.
I agree with this: many people use likes, for differing reasons. I think the nomination process is okay as-is.
I might agree with @Overread, except that he suggested a separate "nominate" button.

No, I issue "likes" as if they were made out of cheap electronic code, but I only actually nominate a photograph if I see a remarkable and nomination-worthy photograph.

In case anyone is curious enough to wonder; my nomination criteria depends on:

Technical skill.
Artistic expression.
Effort perceived in getting the shot.

The opposites of those categories will earn "points off" in my mind.

If the nomination process was far simpler, the nomination thread would be flooded with photographs that probably don't deserve a nomination.
If the nomination process was far simpler, the nomination thread would be flooded with photographs that probably don't deserve a nomination.

Yes and no - deserving is something always left to the members and individuals when it comes to POTM. IF its easier it might indeed encourage more variety and might also encourage users who are not as active in the site. There's no problem with encouraging more nominations as the photos still have to go through the voting period - the trick is ensuring that nominations are nominations and that any methods introduced wouldn't swamp things too heavily.

That said I think its a moot point as I can't see the forum software easily allowing such a button to function as I described. (edit - for foums I use I thin only Photography on the Net could achieve it because they are using totally custom code - since not every thread has only one photo it would hve to be a button enabled over the top of embedded images not just posts
I like the idea of increasing the photos entered but not the Like button suggestion. I, and many others I'm sure, use the like button as acknowledgement as much as praise. Ferrets and cute grandchildren would rule the universe, lol.

If the goal is to increase the number of nominations, I think one way to do that is maybe post more frequent reminders about the POTM thread/contest. I noticed yesterday that the October POTM thread had only 3 nominations this month and posted a prompt hoping it would spur some people into nominating shots they had "liked" or commented on but not thought to nominate.

I think sometimes people get caught up in their own critique threads or chatting in Off Topic or just focusing on the "Active Topics" feed and forget about the monthly challenges and the POTM nominations. Then when someone posts a nomination there will sometimes be a little surge in nominations because it's back in people's thoughts and in the main feed again... so maybe pinning it to the Active Topics feed, if that's even an option? Same with the monthly challenges. I know I always forget until it's too late!
I know there are less nominations -- but could it also be that less photos are being posted in the gallery forums? It feels like less people are posting their work than previously. I know I'm guilty (and don't mention it to my wife...I've have months of new kid photos to process, haha).

I think the threads that @SquarePeg have been running are getting more people to post their work, period, and some of the nominations have come out of those threads.

But overall, I agree with others that the "Likes" approach isn't a way to do it.

Instead, maybe...we should all make an effort to nominate a photo this month. I haven't nominated anything in awhile, and it isn't because of a lack of good work here.
Hypothetically- What if a thread gets enough likes to be nominated, and there are multiple photos in the thread? Which one would be entered into the pool?
could it also be that less photos are being posted in the gallery forums
I've stopped posting photo threads, because the threads I posted tended to lack responses, meaningful or otherwise.

Not sure if that means the photos just plain stink, or if people just don't have comments, but the lack of feedback made me feel quite stolid about making new individual photo threads. I find the photos get much more feedback (mostly "likes") in photo themes or in the weekly photo challenges.
I know what you mean Wade. 4 pages of comments when someone posts about a technical question or a gear thread but 5 likes and one comment on a photo in Galleries! I think we could all make an effort to comment more instead of just hitting "like". For me, I tend to only comment if the person specifically asks for feedback or if I really love the photo. Sometimes a photo is technically great but the subject matter is just not exciting to me. Most of my comments are in the landscape threads as those are my favorite to view.
I know what you mean Wade. 4 pages of comments when someone posts about a technical question or a gear thread but 5 likes and one comment on a photo in Galleries! I think we could all make an effort to comment more instead of just hitting "like". For me, I tend to only comment if the person specifically asks for feedback or if I really love the photo. Sometimes a photo is technically great but the subject matter is just not exciting to me. Most of my comments are in the landscape threads as those are my favorite to view.

I go through spurts of purposely seeking out photo threads to comment on. I tend to focus on ones from newer members or ones that have been sitting for a while. Then I get a little burned out and I hang out in the Coffee House for a while. :)

I also am trying to nominate photos more often, which makes me realize that it's usually the same few folks who generally do the nominating. I'm not really sure why.
I know what you mean Wade. 4 pages of comments when someone posts about a technical question or a gear thread but 5 likes and one comment on a photo in Galleries! I think we could all make an effort to comment more instead of just hitting "like". For me, I tend to only comment if the person specifically asks for feedback or if I really love the photo. Sometimes a photo is technically great but the subject matter is just not exciting to me. Most of my comments are in the landscape threads as those are my favorite to view.

I go through spurts of purposely seeking out photo threads to comment on. I tend to focus on ones from newer members or ones that have been sitting for a while. Then I get a little burned out and I hang out in the Coffee House for a while. :)

I also am trying to nominate photos more often, which makes me realize that it's usually the same few folks who generally do the nominating. I'm not really sure why.
It is easier to use the desktop to nominate. The mobile app makes it cumbersome. I used to nominate my 3 every month but being on the road a lot pretty much kills it for me. I really think it has more to do with people using their phones more and the desktop less. If they could design a multiple tab in the mobile app, I would be more diligent in nominating. Just my take.
I don’t use the mobile app. When I’m on my phone I access the full site via Chrome. What are the advantages to the mobile app?
I don't mobile much either, but its a good point that nominations are trickier on mobile and more and more people do view the site on mobile. Even regular desktop users might well mobile surf during the work-day and thus might see a great photo but not remember to nominate it come the end of the day once they are on a more capable system.

Even if you're using a mobile browser the simple acts of copy and paste can be frustrating at times to perform
Maybe an option to somehow nominate via PM or something similar to the way the “Report” button works.

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