Photos taken with a phone

Nice Frank. Thought about sepia toning this?

Good idea.


Fascinating image - but an unusual scene - where is it?
Funny you should ask that Frank. It was at the ABQ Botanic Gardens. Right after being there that day in 2015 I got pretty sick. Months later I couldn't remember where at the gardens this had been.
I searched.
I asked employees and volunteers, showing them the image at Flickr.
About a year later I found the location, at the entryway into what's called the Desert Conservatory. The bench was gone, maybe not longer after this shot. Hanging plants were by the window.
I finally noticed the mozaic and realized I had found it. It's pretty easy to walk right past.
This may be the best photo I've ever taken, with any camera.

new mexico window


That's a very cool, surreal image.

It's not always the gear - the opportunity and the composition can trump equipment. I have some expensive lenses specifically bought for portraits, but my favourite portrait was taken with a waterproof point and shoot! It's a bit NSFW so not on Flickr or for posting here, but it just captured a moment.

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