Photo Review


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Critique the (ficticious) photo of the next person to post; & yes, you can do several critiques consecutively. Don't forget to say thank you and move on!

Your baby appears quite stupid. Probably a white balance problem.

Thank you Doctor. Rot in hell!

What were you thinking- were you?- Have you ever?

This image speaks to me. It says "please make him stop taking pictures and sell his camera".

Thank you, I'll be signing up for an ebay account this afternoon.

And will you be shooting the divorce after those crappy wedding shots you took?

Thank you for the prints. They arrived just as I ran out of toilet paper.
But try printing on something a little more absorbent next time.
Thank you for the prints. They arrived just as I ran out of toilet paper.
But try printing on something a little more absorbent next time.

Thanks for the C&C. If you get hit by a car I'll send you a card.

That's your vision? That's the problem- you're an idiot.

Thank you, I like to keep the dust out as much as possible.

Now tell me about that streaking technique, does panning really work for still life's?
than you for your c&c. I gave it my best.

I think it would have been a better shot if you had more patience, and were still standing there patiently.

I appreciate your comments. I'll lighten it up with your stupid humor.

I can see being very drunk effects your work.

Did your guide dog take this?

My guide dog appreciates your concern as much as I appreciate your comments. I'll forward your home number to him per your request.

How did you get your victim to laugh like that? Were you not wearing pants, again?


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