PHL fireworks


hear me roar
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Mar 18, 2013
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How fun! Looks like a great show. They're all good captures. I'm a little partial to the Finale for the extra colors. Beautiful!

Looks cold out there!
How fun! Looks like a great show. They're all good captures. I'm a little partial to the Finale for the extra colors. Beautiful!

Looks cold out there!
It was mid 30's and a bit of a breeze behind us. We were sitting on some rocks which seemed like a good idea at first but it was like sitting on a block of ice! Couldn't stand up because people had set up behind us with their tripods...
Awesome! What was the occasion?
Awesome! What was the occasion?
I believe it was a reschedule of the Winterfest fireworks that normally take place elsewhere.
The second for me from a nice set. I like the way the firework burst is synchronized with and repeats the lighthouse flash.
The second for me from a nice set. I like the way the firework burst is synchronized with and repeats the lighthouse flash.
Thanks John! The lighthouse flashes every 4 seconds and I was shooting 6.5 second exposures except for the finale so all should have at least a bit of the light. That one must have captured the lighthouse flash 2x. I was timing it on the fireworks and not the light so it was just chance that one is brighter than the others.

Beautifully done set!
Thanks Jeff!

Lovely shots.... :encouragement:
I'm going back and forth between the 3rd & 4th. I really wish the 4th had a little more margin on the top and right like the 3rd. They're all quite nice.
I'm going back and forth between the 3rd & 4th. I really wish the 4th had a little more margin on the top and right like the 3rd. They're all quite nice.


Good eye on the comp. I agree the 3rd is better balanced. I’ll have to fix that crop on 4. I didn’t move the tripod or zoom out between those 2 shots so I should have some room on the right.
Love these. Nicely done all but love 1 and especially #2. Reminds me of ours at Pismo every year.

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