Periods: Art

All art is good to some folks, because "good" is an opinion.

A heavy metal band electric fiddler might get accolade's from some Rolling Stone magazine feature writer; but what do you think a concert violinist would think of it?

This is even more so with brush and canvas art. I am always amazed when childlike scribbles on a Modern Art painting sells for more than a well done scene from the "Hudson Valley" school of artists.

In the the world of photography, "good" is extremely diverse, hence the number of forums on this website.

Personally, I no longer critique photographs. With the improvements in post processing over the recent decades, what you see is the composition the photographer wants you to see. I look at a photo and say; it is good, uninteresting or so-so. It is my judgment call.

Who am I to criticize the how and why of another photographer's choice of presentation. I find subject matter is far more important than presentation.

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