PC or Mac... HELP!

I bought an iMac in early 2017, and it has performed poorly ever since I bought it (I got the one that the salesman recommended for photo editing). I took it to the Apple store where I bought it and had them check it out, and they told me there was nothing wrong with it, even though I consistently have problems with this thing. Worst purchase of my life, really. I will never buy an Apple computer again. Before this I had a Macbook Pro with top of the line specs. The graphics card fried on it, 1 month after the time period in which Apple would have fixed it free of charge as it was a known defect to them.

Probably going to get a Surface Book very soon. I've used my friend's a few times and it's amazing.
Probably going to get a Surface Book very soon. I've used my friend's a few times and it's amazing.

Did you try using PS or LR on the Surface Book? I have been using the Macbook every day since owning it, and I am just not getting the hype. It will most likely be going back this week. I know I am probably not giving it enough time, but I think I have just spent too many hours on a PC to get past the differences.
anyone like working with windows 7 ?

W7 is the best MS operating system they ever made.
I always thought Windows 2000 was.

I don't get what people dislike about Win 10. I think its fantastic.
Updates, driver issues, file system, security, layout not logical, print system, to name a few. I get it works fine for a lot of people, but some people used to other systems, it seems totally cumbersome. My main gripe is the file system and not having control of updates and dependencies.
Hmm. To me, all of those things you mention were flawless transitions from 7 to 10. Maybe you work at a deeper level than I do, but I would be impressed with you, or sadly disappointed with myself, considering I work in IT.
Probably going to get a Surface Book very soon. I've used my friend's a few times and it's amazing.

Did you try using PS or LR on the Surface Book? I have been using the Macbook every day since owning it, and I am just not getting the hype. It will most likely be going back this week. I know I am probably not giving it enough time, but I think I have just spent too many hours on a PC to get past the differences.
I used Photoshop CC 2019 on the Surface Pro 3, and it was excellent, especially in comparison to my iMac.
Hmm. To me, all of those things you mention were flawless transitions from 7 to 10. Maybe you work at a deeper level than I do, but I would be impressed with you, or sadly disappointed with myself, considering I work in IT.
It boils down to what your used to using I guess. Both systems work
I finally pushed my 6-year-old laptop to its limits and it is no longer with us. Now I have to decide if I want to stick with PC, or sell my self to the devil and go Mac. Right now I am stuck between the Dell XPS 15 with an 8th gen i7, GTX 1050 Ti, 1 TB SSD and 32 GB ram, or a MacBook Pro with the same processor, 1/3 the storage, half the ram, and an AMD processor... The MacBook Pro is $2400 while the Dell is $2100. The biggest thing stopping me from switching isn't even the price, but the environment. I have a full smart home setup with everything Google. A google pixel 3. A PC desktop (which I would probably end up turning into a server). So I have nothing invested into Apple which I think is Apple's biggest selling point. Owning everything Apple and having it just work everytime you need it, with ease. The biggest selling point for me on the MacBook side is the 4 USB-C (Lightning ports) as well as the rendering speeds in final cut pro. But, I edit photos way more than I do videos. So, I am just not sure I can justify going with the MacBook Pro. What do you all use? Any recommendations or insight from either side?

It mostly depends pn the equipment you already have and its compatibility with Windows or MAC OS. Since a lot of photographers use macs there might be better driver support for them over a windows based pc. I do suggest that whatevet you get you should opt to have an SSD theyre faster than a typical hard drive and will make using programs like photoshop less frustrating.
As someone who has been a Mac user since high school, and recently bought a Windows desktop, I will tell you this:

Mac's do last. But they will slow down after awhile. Having a SSD and at least 16gb RAM is probably your best deterrent there. And the Mac OS is a great and intuitive OS and the integration with other Apple products is great. However, Apple has gotten lazy in the last couple of years. Ever since Steve Jobs died, the company has stopped innovating, and any changes/updates are very incremental.

A lot of Windows machines have finally caught up with Apple's quality and reliability, at least to a degree where the price difference is no longer worth it. You're mostly paying for the brand and the environment now. And the trackpad. Macbooks have the best trackpads (which I use for editing). I don't know why Windows laptops can't get a decent trackpad. It's literally one of the main reasons I use a Mac for laptop (mobile, fine edits, photoshop, etc), and a desktop for batch editing and video work (stronger).

I got a ASUS ROG desktop twice as strong as an iMac would have been, for about half the price.

I've never owned a Windows laptop, so maybe it's different, but I had no problem adapting to another OS (I grew up on Windows) and the added power was worth it. I also had an iPhone and switched to Google Pixel 2. Again, Apple is no longer innovating, whereas Google and other companies are pouring a ton of money into R&D. Their Google Assistant is testament to that, and lightyears beyond Siri. Plus, it's one of the best cameras on the market.
I'm tempted to agree with some of the above, but still, I am not sure I could be convinced that even the quality of materials used is close from Windows offerings (laptops) to Apple. Apple have indeed gotten lazy, but there is no need to innovate every week, every month, there's no need to continue to push and push; we're at a point now where technology is so saturated and so similar that it comes down to the detail and to personal preference. Personally, I've used linux (various), Windows and now Mac, I love my MacBook Pro, for sure I went with the latest model and 16GB RAM for "Future-proofing" but still, the quality offered by Apple outweighs what I have seen available from most if not all. I'm not a fanboy, I know my technology, I worked in IT for 20 years, I just like to open my Mac, it's on and ready to go, it's quick, it's solid, it out-performs my higher spec windows laptop and it's more portable. For me, I use what I like and what works, I'm yet to see a screen match that of the MBPro, but to each their own, this is a Canon / Nikon argument for millennials haha the best tool is the one that works for you.. after all, that's all they are, unless you're one of these people who like to connect to WiFi in Starbucks or something and feel a sense of pride and power when you "whip out your equipment" :D
I finally pushed my 6-year-old laptop to its limits and it is no longer with us. Now I have to decide if I want to stick with PC, or sell my self to the devil and go Mac. Right now I am stuck between the Dell XPS 15 with an 8th gen i7, GTX 1050 Ti, 1 TB SSD and 32 GB ram, or a MacBook Pro with the same processor, 1/3 the storage, half the ram, and an AMD processor... The MacBook Pro is $2400 while the Dell is $2100. The biggest thing stopping me from switching isn't even the price, but the environment. I have a full smart home setup with everything Google. A google pixel 3. A PC desktop (which I would probably end up turning into a server). So I have nothing invested into Apple which I think is Apple's biggest selling point. Owning everything Apple and having it just work everytime you need it, with ease. The biggest selling point for me on the MacBook side is the 4 USB-C (Lightning ports) as well as the rendering speeds in final cut pro. But, I edit photos way more than I do videos. So, I am just not sure I can justify going with the MacBook Pro. What do you all use? Any recommendations or insight from either side?

I use both PC and Mac and it really doesn't matter. Mac is nice for me because it interfaces quite well with my iPhone and iPad. But other than that....
unless you're one of these people who like to connect to WiFi in Starbucks or something and feel a sense of pride and power when you "whip out your equipment" :D

Hey, stop talking about me like that. :lol: But in all seriousness, 16 GB is no longer future proof and at the price point Apple is selling their machines (the above $2k models), 32 GB should be standard, as well as 500 GB of SSD storage. We are just allowing these companies to over price their products because we have started to accept that whatever Apple does, is OK. Now we how companies like Microsoft jumping on board and selling their Surface Book 2 for about the same price as Macbook Pro's. They are also not including the pen, so you have to go out and spend more money on that. We as consumers have allowed these companies to set the standard, and now we must live with it. I am so torn right now whether I am going to keep the Macbook or not. The reason I gave in and bought it was because every PC laptop I find, there are split reviews (even thought I think half the bad reviews are left by Apple users XD). It makes it impossible for me to decide what to do. I really dislike the Mac OS though, which is most likely a product of my hours spent on PC. But, it really feels like they try to "simplify" everything to the point of confusion. Maybe I should take that free online session they keep shoving down my throat.
Mac OS for me is more like Linux, it just does what it does...gone are the days I wanna play around with tweaks and overclocking and minimising everything, I just like that I have a machine that has a superb screen, sweet speed and will service me a long time. As I said, to each their own, I used Apple years ago and would jailbreak and play around but now, I just want to open, use and close, and for that experience, and the performance I have from it, I need nothing else...

EDIT: I do need additional storage! Thanks 49MP RAW files!

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