Pain is back(Warning, Graphic image)


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
Reaction score
F@cking Hell
Can others edit my Photos
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.......and he needs a hand, or a finger, or whatever else you can spare. Call the Dr. He makes house calls.


He nose? Uh oh!

The first shot is, well, killer! The lighting is excellent...enough to show the ghoulish items in his pantry, and the blood spatters on the wall. It adds lots of creepy mood too. Those staring yellow eyes have that touch of 'manic' to them that fits the tone of the image. Awesome darkside image!
Oh wow Chiller!!! Talk about creepy! These shots are fantastic! The lighting is superb!! Great job!
awesome!! Ever think about becoming some kind of designer for video games? They sure could use your talents for making 'baddies."
Well, **** the bed! Nice to see ya, Dr. Satan!! (do you know what movie I am refering from?)
i have back problems do you think he can help me???
i have back problems do you think he can help me???
YIkes...Im with you on that. My chiropractor gets paid some good $$$ to keep me walking.

Thanks for all your comments. Really appreciate it. :D:D
Reminds me of the character Dr. Albert Caine (aka The Caretaker) from Universal's Halloween Horror Nights event.

Awesome job Chiller!
Really cool. Glad I saw a fingernail on that,... Well, ... I'm still cringing, but not as bad.
Great shots! Definitely one of my favorite styles... Creepy and very well done. Love the lighting in #1.

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