Opinions on crop


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Mar 25, 2005
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Would like to hear what crop you lot prefare. I can't make up my mind.



any other suggestions or comments welcome

I think you should crop the left side the same way as in photo 2. Leave the right side like it is, but crop the bottom up to the bottom of the nearest pillar on the right building.
It will leave the building in the center of the image in a more dynamic location.
I find the second more pleasing. The first has that piece of sidewalk that doesnt lead down the canal. In strict composition, the first doesnt present a clear path to the far off building.
thanks for the fast replies you three.

remi, is this what you mean for a third crop?


this any better?

i think i may like it more. Maybe i was being a bit too bold sticking the building in the dead centre
I like the DOF in both. The comp. is a little better in two for me.
I much prefer the original. It calls me into the picture. The others are dull.

Rusty Tripod
I like the first crop the best... it has more... drama

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