Nikon Z8 - Its here!


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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For anyone who is interested in the Z8, its real.

But I'm not interested lol. A weee bit out of my budget. But I'm sure its going to be an incredible camera, especially for video. I mini Z9 if you will. Now folks will be happy there is a D850 replacement.

I'm not particularly fond of the all electronic shutter. I like having a mechanical shutter, the sound and that confirmation you took a picture is nice. But I believe all mirrorless cameras will eventually forego mechanical shutters and be fully electronic and we'll have to be stuck with fake mediocre shutter sounds. 🫤

I know, it's silly. But I'm weird :)
Bring money. They're $5400 in my 'hood. Adios prosumer market, Nikon.
Time for me to sell off some of my least favorite bass guitars.
Looks like a phenomenal camera, and a true D850 replacement. While it’s expensive, both it and the Z9 undercut the competition from Sony and Canon by a bit IIRC, so they likely present a strong value proposition for folks shopping in that market.
I will, however, agree that the electronic shutter sounds are lacking. One YouTube video suggested adding haptic feedback in the shutter button the way smartphones have, and I think that would be an excellent idea.
Which are?
Fender p-bass 5, Lakland 5502, Fender Player + 5, G&L L100 4 string.




All the pics I have right now.
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Fender p-bass 5, Lakland 5502, Fender Player + 5, G&L L100 4 string.




All the pics I have right now.
All very nice, particularly the Lakland.

Dunno what my favourite one is. I've quite a few but probably between my white American Jazz maple neck with the Custom Shop pickup upgrade or the Oliver Riedle (Rammstein) signature Sandberg Terra.
Looks like a phenomenal camera, and a true D850 replacement. While it’s expensive, both it and the Z9 undercut the competition from Sony and Canon by a bit IIRC, so they likely present a strong value proposition for folks shopping in that market.
Selling ever pricier cameras into a shrinking market. Brilliant. I'm thinking the economic realities of mid-2023 aren't exactly supportive of strategies that pitch incremental improvements as breakthroughs, "gamechangers," or aspirational targets. "Strong value proposition." Seriously? That just curdled the milk in my 'fridge.
$7000 here in Australia. I think my Z6 will be with me for a while yet.
Here is my issue. I'm gonna take the same pictures no matter if I have a Z8 or a Z50. And, I will mostly look at them on my computer monitor that isn't anywhere near 46mp. So why am I lusting for this camera?
Here is my issue. I'm gonna take the same pictures no matter if I have a Z8 or a Z50. And, I will mostly look at them on my computer monitor that isn't anywhere near 46mp. So why am I lusting for this camera?
I hear you. I was in a local camera store today and the Nikon rep was there with a Z8. it's a beautiful thing and felt great in my hand but for A$7000 a bit out of my wifes budget.
Selling ever pricier cameras into a shrinking market. Brilliant. I'm thinking the economic realities of mid-2023 aren't exactly supportive of strategies that pitch incremental improvements as breakthroughs, "gamechangers," or aspirational targets. "Strong value proposition." Seriously? That just curdled the milk in my 'fridge.
I have to disagree with your sentiment here, sorry.

Ever Pricier? I think Nikon has done a phenomenal job of keeping prices pretty static through the years. The D3S was released in 2009 at $5,299 as their flagship model. The Z9 sells today as their flagship model for $5,496. An increase of less than $200 over almost 15 years is VERY reasonable.

Sure, the Z8 is selling for $700 or so more than the D850 did on launch, but have you looked at inflation lately?

Of course the increases seem incremental, but when you compare across a decade or more and realize how much the increases in performance have outpaced the increases in cost, I dare say the Z8 and Z9 seem quite reasonable.

People have been posting on this forum lamenting the prices of top end camera bodies since the very beginning, and it continues today. This level of camera is primarily aimed at working professionals who demand the best and use them as a tax write off, or at wealthy hobbyists. Just because YOU aren't the target market doesn't mean they aren't going to sell a boatload of them.

Not everyone can afford a $10,000 wedding photographer or a $300,000 supercar either, but there are still plenty of people lining up for both with cash in hand.
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Spare me. Too bad you missed the lecture on personal debt loads and the impact of interest rates on consumer behavior in 2023. BTW, that's going to be a smallish boat!

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