Nikon D800 Pop-up Flash Won't Close


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Dec 17, 2013
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I have an aging Nikon D800. My pop-up flash popped up when I was taking the body out of a camera holster. I don't need the flash, it isn't sent to auto, the light is good. But the flash won't close. I've had to hold it down with one hand (and operate the body and shutter release with the other) in order to shoot.

Any ideas besides (a) send it off to Nikon or (b) duct tape the flash down?
I have an aging Nikon D800. My pop-up flash popped up when I was taking the body out of a camera holster. I don't need the flash, it isn't sent to auto, the light is good. But the flash won't close. I've had to hold it down with one hand (and operate the body and shutter release with the other) in order to shoot.

Any ideas besides (a) send it off to Nikon or (b) duct tape the flash down?
Epoxy would be better than duct tape.
Epoxy would be better than duct tape.
Nah, there are times when I use the pop-up flash. I love the Nikon commander system. And sometimes I use it for fill-flash when shooting in to a sunset. Or on a bright beach.
Maybe call Nikon for a repair estimate?
Unless you can do the repairs yourself I think it’s time for it to visit a shop. And while it’s in there I’d do a CLA as well for good measure
Take a good look all around the moving parts, I suspect something is dirty and preventing a latch from moving correctly, it may be stuck in a retracted position. Try cleaning all around the moving parts with some rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip.

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