Nikon AF-P 70-300

Spirit Vision Photography

No longer a newbie, moving up!
Sep 1, 2022
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I took the 70-300 out for a spin a couple of days ago. (Nikon D780 body).

Rodeo 1.jpg

Rodeo 2.jpg

Rodeo 3.jpg

Rodeo 4.jpg

Rodeo 5.jpg

Rodeo 6.jpg

Rodeo 7.jpg

Rodeo 8.jpg

Rodeo 10.jpg

Rodeo 11.jpg

Rodeo 12.jpg

Rodeo 13.jpg

Rodeo 14.jpg

Rodeo 15.jpg
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WOW! Great shots. I don't think many realize how hard it is to get shots like those at a rodeo unless they have tried it. Super stuff! That first photo, barrel racer I'd bet, Awesome!
WOW! Great shots. I don't think many realize how hard it is to get shots like those at a rodeo unless they have tried it. Super stuff! That first photo, barrel racer I'd bet, Awesome!

Thanks 🙏

These are all great images, so it was hard to choose, but I chose to nominate #9 for POTM for August.

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