Night Shot-Eiffel Tower


TPF Noob!
May 19, 2007
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm hoping people even frequent this forum, seeing as I only see 2 threads...

Here goes: My friend recently went on a trip to Europe, and while there, she took a photo at night of the eiffel tower. It came out both noisy and blurry. She asked me to fix it, and I tried. But it didn't work out. Could someone help?

The first photo is the untouched version, the second is a crop and a black paintbrush over the sky. Thanks in advance, I'm sure the edits will be WAY better than my meagre attempt!


I highly doubt that this can be fixed. But, in the future, use a sturdy tripod with a quick timer (so your finger won't shake the camera), and have a better vantage point (a few miles away from the tower or building).
Buszaj: I know. I didn't take this photo, as previously mentioned.
As previously mentioned.. there's not much that can be done to fix it.. I've made an attempt to make it slightly more acceptable.. There's not much that can be done.
The alternative, if you want to keep this shot is to do some kind of cool effects to it..
yeah blur isn't really something you can "fix". I've found that shrinking the pic to a lower image size will make it less notable but it also limits what you can do with it as well.
No problem. Thanks for your tries, guys! I've already told her it's unsalvageable.
By the way do you realize that they are trying to claim that the Eiffel Tower light display is copyrighted and that you cannot take photos of it.

That's... interesting. I don't think it will ever go through.

Still, it's a good thing I didn't take a picture of it, then.
to kill a little blur or if a picture is a little soft one option you have is to:

open picture, duplicate layer, select filter/ other/ highpass, and use blending option overlay. Downside to this is it adds noise. it's not exactly sharp but better than the original


Oh neat, I'm loving darqlab's version.. I used it, modified crop and canvas, and added some grain and Kubota's 'Modern Antique' action to it and - quite honestly, I'd totally buy this print. ;):heart:

That's... interesting. I don't think it will ever go through.

Still, it's a good thing I didn't take a picture of it, then.

Actually, it did go through, but you can imagine trying to enforce it. :wink:

The first one is beautiful.

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