Newborn grand


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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Granddaughter arrived 3 weeks ago. They live out of state and I didn't take any lights. This was set up in their kitchen with window light. I had to adjust a lot in ACR and PS to get the lighting even. The top was dark and reddish shadow in the floor and the lower part was too bright and normal saturation color. I went to the craft store twice looking for flowers that matched the gauze and had to adjust colors in post. Before we went to visit I set up on my floor with a doll to get an idea of flower placement. At home I had plenty of time. At daughter's it was a race with sleeping baby and my helper who just turned 5. Plus add in 2 pups to the mix.

C&C welcome. I thought about posting the before photo, but wanted to get feedback based on the finished photo and not draw attention to the many changes. I can post the original later if there is an interest.

Youngest grand by Cheryl, on Flickr
Life changer. Magical.
Aww, she's precious! There's a lot to like about this one. Your setup is just beautiful. So delicate and soft - the pink and green are lovely, and the flower placement could not be better.

For me, the only nit is the lighting. For only having available window light, I think you did well. Obviously directional studio lights would erase the little shadows on her face and head.

But overall it's a sweet newborn portrait. Where'd all that hair come from??

Nice, I actually prefer natural light only shots, even darkish ones.
Should of, could of, would have......The sign of a good photographer is the ability to overcome the problems and get the shot, I'd say you did an excellent job in that respect. She is a little doll!!!!
Life changer. Magical.
Thanks! #5 grand

Aww, she's precious! There's a lot to like about this one. Your setup is just beautiful. So delicate and soft - the pink and green are lovely, and the flower placement could not be better.

For me, the only nit is the lighting. For only having available window light, I think you did well. Obviously directional studio lights would erase the little shadows on her face and head.

But overall it's a sweet newborn portrait. Where'd all that hair come from??

Thanks for the feedback. Agree lighting would have helped and saved time in PS. LOL yes lots of hair and stands straight up!

Beautiful baby, love;y setting.
Thanks John!

Nice, I actually prefer natural light only shots, even darkish ones.
Thanks for the feedback. I liked the darker scene for this one. The family & baby shots were on the light and airy side.

A very nice shot....
Thanks Jeff!

Should of, could of, would have......The sign of a good photographer is the ability to overcome the problems and get the shot, I'd say you did an excellent job in that respect. She is a little doll!!!!
Thanks Bill! It was a challenge on space and light and the 5yo helping. I regret not fixing the blanket.

When I got home from our trip I thought this shot would be one for the bin. I tried salvaging best I could. If I did this again I would have taken more time. Props to all the newborn photographers. Not easy!

Here is the before and after:

She’s a looker! Congratulations to all!! I like the photo pose and composition but my preference would be an overall brighter look.
Congratulations! So precious!! You did a fantastic job!
Thanks Jeff!

She’s a looker! Congratulations to all!! I like the photo pose and composition but my preference would be an overall brighter look.
Thanks for the feedback! I've looked at this too much in the past week. I'll wait a few weeks and look to lighten a bit. Printing out the set later.
Beautiful Beautiful shot. Congratulations!

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