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No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jan 7, 2019
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Have you used this yet? I'm wondering if the Astro mode will automatically shoot the first "star frame" for reference, and then proceed with the planned exposure?
Thanks for posting. I hadn't seen this yet. Will check it out
Have you used this yet? I'm wondering if the Astro mode will automatically shoot the first "star frame" for reference, and then proceed with the planned exposure?
Not yet......It's been cloudy. I have seen some shots on the various Pentax forums, and it looks good.
It sure does! I've found that it does automatically take the reference frame btw. Looks like you must take care to get the focus spot on initially, which makes sense.
Is AT3 only available for the K3iii or was it included on the K1/ii? Didn't see it listed so I suspect not but thought I'd confirm that.

Anyone play with Satobi yet?

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