New to Photography


TPF Noob!
Jun 5, 2012
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Glasgow, Scotland
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Well firstly my name is Kevin and been shooting for only 5 days, infact its the first time i've have ever put my hands on a SLR!

I've always been keen on photography so now it's my chance to build on it and get to a decent amateur level for enthusiastic purposes.

I have a Canon 550D with a kit lens EF-S 18-55mm IS which will be sufficiant for now until i get more experienced.

Over the the last few days i've been watching and read numerous tutorials read the cameras manual twice and have already learned so much, and understand it.

I've not the full chance as yet to get out the and start shooting because of a new arrival to the family!

I'll am looking into college courses at weekends to fit in my life but either they have already started of not due to start next term.

I'll leave off here and say hello to everyone and here are a very small selection of pics i've took and of my baby daughter at 20 days old.


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