New lens - Fujinon 56mm


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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Stopped by my favorite camera store the other day. Good thing it is 45 min away and across the river. I wanted to see what used lenses were available. Ended up with the 56mm new on sale.

Quincy sat for me and got bored.

Quincy profile 1 by Cheryl, on Flickr

Quincy bored by Cheryl, on Flickr
Nice lens, really nice portraits.

I also keep dropping in to my local store waiting to see if he gets a used 56mm.

I just want it for portraits, but can't the cost the cost new as I mainly use shorter lenses for portraits (35mm and 23mm).
The 50/2 isn't half bad for portraits. Gave up looking for a used 56mm!
56mm. highly desirable lens... one of my former gear saleguys went Fuji in 2015 and his name is Brian Hines and his Instagram is at lifeofhines
Great lens.
Nice lens, really nice portraits.

I also keep dropping in to my local store waiting to see if he gets a used 56mm.

I just want it for portraits, but can't the cost the cost new as I mainly use shorter lenses for portraits (35mm and 23mm).

The 35mm stays on the camera most days. I think I will keep the 56mm on now. I like the 85mm on my full frame so the 56mm on the Fuji feels natural view to me.

56mm. highly desirable lens... one of my former gear saleguys went Fuji in 2015 and his name is Brian Hines and his Instagram is at lifeofhines

Looked up his Instagram and wow! Thanks for the info. I started following him.

The day I got the lens on Saturday, friends were driving thru our area and I snapped off a few with the lens. The ground was saturated so took a few on the porch. I noticed right away the sharpness. Think this was at f3.5 and the dog photos were at 2.2.
amazing lens, i was lucky to find someone
selling it for
1/3 the price

great all around lens once you get used to the focal
amazing lens, i was lucky to find someone
selling it for
1/3 the price

great all around lens once you get used to the focal

You got a great deal! I took it on vacation and used it half the time as a walking around lens. Doesn't weigh too much more than the 35mm. I was taking photos one night of a fire show and it hard time locking focus with the fire and the movement.

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