New DSLR after nearly 3 years without one

Mark Garety

TPF Noob!
Nov 14, 2019
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After nearly 3 years without a functioning camera, I finally purchased a new DSLR. It's also the first new camera I've ever purchased. I've always bought used going back to my Nikon D90 that i bought used in 2010.

My backstory is that my Nikon D7000 started taking 100% black photos starting in the summer of 2017. I haven't had the budget to fix or replace the body (photography is just a hobby of mine), so I've been without a functioning camera since 2017.

We decided to make it a priority to get a new camera with our tax return this year. My family has been bugging us for updated pictures of our children, and I've been itching to get back into the swing of things.

I had decided that I wanted to get a Nikon D610 to jump up to full frame. I was going to buy used on eBay. I know it's an old design, but it is is the most affordable way to get into a Nikon full frame camera and seems to be a better choice compared to repairing or rebuilding my old D7000.

As I started looking for used D610 bodies to bid on, I stumbled upon the Nikon D610 bundle with the 50mm f1.8G, Nikon battery grip, and wifi dongle & other free accessories for just under $900 (picture attached to this post). I ordered from Adorama, but saw the same deal on other retail outlets.

I didn't realize it, but apparently all the camera stores were running it as a Presidents Day sale. I don't have a 50mm prime, and getting one was going to be my first priority with the jump to FX (I've been using the 35mm f1.8 on my DX cameras for years). I was also planning on getting a vertical grip at some point (I got hooked on them with my D7000).

For me, this deal was too good to pass on. I was prepared to spend $500ish on a used D610 body on eBay. I essentially got a brand new body for the same price (or slightly less) by bundling in the other items.

I'm expecting my order to show up mid-week, and I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some working equipment again.

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Still a good sensor; still a recommended model on Thom Hogan's Nikon site. I had one for about a year...great image sensor...great value. I hope you love it! 24MP on FX is excellent. Shoots well with a wide variety of lenses, back to the late 1970s.

Good value for $896 with grip and 50-G and accessories.Works well with the 1990s 28-80 AF-D, available used for $35-$45.Lots of vintage Nikkor lenses work well on the D610.

The sensor is quite excellent up to ISO 800.
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These are the lenses that I own:

Nikon DX 18-105mm f3.5-5.6 VR kit lens from my original D90 kit.

Nikon DX 35mm f1.8G
- I've read that this lens actually will provide full sensor coverage on FX at wider aperatures.

Old push-pull Nikon 80-200 AF F2.8
- The D90 and D7000 both had focus motors that support these older screw drive AF lenses

Getting in the new territory:

With the bundle, I'll be getting the 50mm f1.8G was on my short list to get. I would have probably bought an older f1.8D lens, but this bundle bumps me up to the newer model. Thee biggest difference aside from the internal focus and construction seems to be the rounded aperature blades they give smoother bokeh (from a non-technical standpoint).

Looking ahead:

I will probably be on the lookout for something that can fill in what the 18-105mm kit lens was giving me, but in the FX form factor. My first reaction is to look for older AF series zooms just to save on budget. I've been looking at the 24-105 f3.5-4.5 lens, or even going with the older 35-70mm f2.8 AF lens to get into older pro-quality glass. But I think that will be a lot heavier, and may not be as much of a walk around lens. An 85mm prime is also on the list for portraits.

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The 28-105 is quite decent, as is the 35-70/2.8...there are a good number iof ADF and AF-D lenses.

The 35mm DX might cover roughly a 4x5 aspect ratio without any vignette( never owned that lens).

The 85mm AF-S G f /1.8 is a great lens choice. The D610 has an in- body focus motor, so it is compatible with all generations of Autofocus lenses. Your old 80 -200 will work fine.
Great deal B&H has the same deal.I was told the sale is until they are gone.Cleaning out the older stock so to speak.Anyways great Camera with a cracking good sensor good luck with it.
I saw the the D610 was discontinued back in December, so it makes sense that they are trying to clear out the remaining inventory.

Seems like a good opportunity for someone to grab a solid kit at a good price. I would much rather have this than a D3X00 or D5X00 camera for roughly the same price.

I photographed a baby shower for my sister in law a few weekends ago. She had me use her Canon entry level DSLR to shoot it. It was a challenge to use that camera because I was constantly haven't to navigate the menu to change settings. I've never owned one of the entry level DSLRs for that very reason.

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I'm not much of a fan of the D600/D610, due to its incompetitive autofocus system and various other issues, like no 100% button.

The D750 just had all these little things the D600 was missing. Btw the D610 is only in very small ways different from the D600; mostly the dirt from the shutter mechanism that plagued the D600 was fixed.

And the D750 is so comfortable to hold, it "welcomes" you whenever you grab it.

But yes, the output is of the D600/D610 is good ... same sensor as the D750, actually.

Both the D750 and D610 are gone now ... what remains is the D780, which frankly isnt competitive and in many ways even a downgrade from the D750, like missing a battery grip option and no longer uber comfortable to hold. Still the same autofocus system, too, and now its starting to get really outdated. They upgrade the sensor, though.
Yes, my 7000 started shooting all black about the same time as yours. Thought about a new one too but then this little girl told me they work better without the lens cap on....., !?!?!?! sS

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