New camera! It's Mitica's fault!


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Sep 2, 2003
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Yes it is, so just feel proud. ;)

I've been perusing the certo6 site (courtesy of Mitica's link) and really got smitten with those Agfa Isolettes. I've wanted a good working folder for a long time now, (something more usable than a top shutter speed of 50!) and these really called to me.

So, over to ebay, and now this one is coming home to mama: a Super Isolette 6x6 rangefinder, with a f.3 75 Solinar lens (supposedly the best for this model) and a Synchro Compur shutter. I emailed the seller about the film advance mechanism and he writes that he ran film through it the day he put it up for auction and everything works fine.

I still anticipate a general CLA, and possibly a new bellows, and I think I'll send it to the certo6 guy since he obviously does such great work on them.

Isn't he pretty??? Can't wait to take him out for a test drive:


Awesome, Terri! I love my medium format folders, and mine don't even have rangefinders. I'm jealous :)
Guilty as charged!!!! :lol: :lol:

Ain't that pretty? Congrats Terri, let us see some pics when you work'em out.
Well, not quite the Hassy 500 I missed out on, but I think he's gonna be a great addition to the growing collection!! ;)

I'm counting the days, am impatient to test the bellows and see how much TLC is required. Can't wait!!!! :D
terri said:
Well, not quite the Hassy 500 I missed out on, but I think he's gonna be a great addition to the growing collection!! ;)

I'm counting the days, am impatient to test the bellows and see how much TLC is required. Can't wait!!!! :D

From the looks of it, the bellows will be in good shape. Excitement grows!!!! :D
From the looks of it, the bellows will be in good shape. Excitement grows!!!!

Yes, it does!! :heart:

I don't want to spend the extra $$ on bellows, but even if I do discover a light leak, it won't kill me to replace them. I'd like to send it to the certo6 guy for the CLA anyway, since he obviously knows his way around the Isolettes. AND, he offers those cool-looking colored bellows. It would be a kick to have something like that, if I have to replace them anyway.

Red or blue?? Decisions, decisions..... I know, it's such a silly-girlie thing. :blushing:
Here is one from my first roll with the Super Isolette. I had a roll of Tri-X 400 that was a year or so out of date. :mrgreen: Bellows really DO seem to be in good repair - BUT as this is going to be a working camera, I really think I should go ahead and replace them when I send it in for CLA.

The rangefinder is clearly out of adjustment. The house shot was on infinity so I had no worries, but on all my close-in shots I struggled with it - it never really seemed superimposed correctly.

Can't WAIT to get it back to full working order - the shutter was smooth and operated flawlessly, film advance is a breeze, and I can tell I have a new best friend. :lovey:

Suh-weeeeeeeet! Nice shot terri! Nice and sharp on all corners, nice contrast.

Did you shoot that with a red filter on?
Wow that's a really clean shot...Nice camera too! Congrats!
Thanks all! I'm really happy with it.

Did you shoot that with a red filter on?

Nope, nothing. Although I realized later it would have been fun to break out the yellow filter that came with it. I am going to buy a couple of filters for this baby, I didn't realize it would take screw-ons.

woo hoo!!
santino said:
really great cam, I've got just the "Isolette" (without "super") but it shoots in 4.5x6 and 6x6. yah, good cams the Isolettes are, congrats Terri :cheer:
Awesome, Santino! You ought to have a blast with it! :thumbup:
Great shot Teri! And a great cam! You people are really bad for me! Now my camera wish list is growing by a camera a day!

I'm thinking of trying to go for a kiev 88 for my next camera... Thoughts, suggestions?

Zach :D
Thoughts, suggestions?

Sure - glad you asked! :sillysmi:

My thought is - sounds like an awesome idea!

My suggestion is - go for it. :twisted:

Hey, you don't think anyone here is gonna be a GOOD influence, do ya?? bwahahahaha!!!! :fangs:
Terri, that's so cute! I just ordered a folder myself. I was getting some negative carriers at and decided to peruse for cheapie cams and picked out an Ansco B2 Speedex Jr. I have no idea what shape it's in, but it was cheap so I don't care too much.

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