Nano-trend du jour


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 27, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
That fifteen year-old digital p&s stashed in your sock drawer is your ticket to creative fame--or a fast buck sold to someone who thinks it is!
Must start working on a plug-in to mimic the look...

This is why I pull every camera, film or dig, working or not, out of the trash at work and sell them.
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St. Vincent and Goodwill locally have had them by the box full. I have to ignore, because I already have a drawer full, plus some. Right I don't throw anything away very often, especially if it still works. Maybe I can sell some of them? Nah!

“When you have something else to shoot on, it’s more exciting.” and the P&S party? I like it. People who understand the joy of holding a camera.

When you can take a risk, maybe find batteries and a charger, and instead of paying over $200 new have a nice bit of fun, I can understand. I'm always happy that I bought Canon Powershots that had a viewfinder and used AA batteries. Should we tip off the Gen Z people? Anyone want to tell them about the retracting lenses that might eventually jam? :disillusionment:
I go to the local St. Vincent pretty much weekly in the Winter. Senior day discount. (if you don't have one, Goodwill, Salvation Army, church resale shops kind of thing)

This news might be showing itself in the shops. I haven't seen an old digital camera in over a month. They used to be stacked on the shelves some days. Another option is, this place thinks they don't sell and dumps them now? Last I bought was a really nice 590 IS.

Just on an aside my best finds have been new Canon Selphy ribbons and paper, never opened. Problem is I buy donated printers and they all have the same pressure bar problem. The other self inflicted problem is, I can't find mine, which is perfect and working? It's either in the big storage unit or buried in "electronics" in the garage. I mean I know it's in a blue storage container, "somewhere".
Saying hmmm while sitting here looking at that old 6mp PowerShot on the shelf collecting dust.

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