

TPF Noob!
Aug 20, 2017
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I have a Nikon N65 and wanting to up to digital and want to use my AF lens from the N65. Ant suggestion on a good alternative
The D7x00,D500, and full frame bodies (FX) have AF motors built in. The lenses will fit on the lower bodies, but you lose AF.
Older AF and AF-D series lenses will NOT autofocus on the "baby Nikon" digitial bodies...it's possible to buy new, entry-levele and upper-entry level Nikjon D-slr cameras like the D3xxx series, or D5xxx series in packages that have the 18-55 kit zoom, and also perhaps a 55-200 zoom, or a 70-300mm zoom. For very affordable prices.

IF you want to use older AF or AF-D lenses with autofocusing, the D7000 or D7100 are affordable, and will autofocus with all the types of Nikon autofocusing lenses, made over many decades.

The D7100,used or refurbished, would be my top choice for an affordable APS-C Nikon.

The D600, full-frame, used would be my first choice as an FX-format affordable Nikon body.

FX-format Nikon would keep your older lenses with the same field of view as you are used to.

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