My First Peircing

These types if activities can lead to cutting. A lot of models are cutters and I have to do skin retouching. Where I'm going with this based on your posts about violence and now self piercing, I want you to know there is always someone to talk to. And no, I'm not kooky or some cranky old man complaining about today's youth. Just someone who recognizes behavioral data points.

Pretty sure the cutting is already happening, based on some past posts I've seen from the OP. I really hope that if enough adults with experience in these behavioral signs speak up, maybe the OP will realize that he really DOES need to talk to someone.

Like yourself I would urge the OP to seek someone to talk to. But I'm of two minds on the whole "Kazooie issue". His posts reveal a troubled individual who is compelled to act out in a bizarre manner over and over. Self mutilation, drastic weight loss, strange comments, and the list goes on. And I think most people would agree that many of the posts are intended to shock and garner attention; which is exactly what we give him by responding to those posts. It's fine to urge him to get some help but he has made it clear he does not want or need any help. So the constant efforts to get attention continue and seem to be escalating.

Perhaps the best thing we could do for Kazooie is to quit responding to this stuff. Like many others I have felt sorry for him but I can't help but feel at this point we're just enabling and encouraging him. I won't be responding in the future. I do wish Kazooie the best but I'm not going to be a part of this cycle of disturbed behavior any longer.

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