Moving Lightroom Catalog Advise


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Mar 29, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
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So the most recent upgrade forced me into converting catalog to work with the update. I was in a hurry not paying attention, and inadvertently put it in drive D with my photos, not on the SSD C drive. I've done several edits since all the while wondering why LR was so slow. Just discovered my mistake. The question is what is the best way to move it back to C without losing my work? 8ve read all the documentation on moving just would like some confirmation from others who have done it
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Second question, on the setting to keep 1:1 previews, what do you use? Daily, weekly, monthly, never?????
Yeah, moving catalogues works fine I've done it a few times to import a catalogue from my tablet.

I tend to use monthly for that
I have had to move things a couple of times. I can never recall how to do it correctly and always have to google it. There are a couple of very good, straight forward sites that cover it.
Well I backed up everything an charged ahead full steam. Cleaned up several things while I was at it. I had Catalogs strung out over three drives (don't have a clue how that happened). I've now archived the old catalogs and deleted them from my SSD which gained some needed space. Also went ahead and put the catalog in the Default location.....didn't know there was but Adobe said the default was C:users/[username]/pictures, so that's where it is now. Also switched over to smart previews for editing. System back up to speed again.
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One thing I also found was my previews file was humongous. I had Lr set to delete previews after one month, changed that to one week and deleted the1:1 and smart previews on images I'm done editing on, recovering almost 40GB of space.

Completed my last scheduled Christmas set shoot this weekend, ending up with around 500 images. Going to switch up the workflow, to try Quick Develop in Library mode, on the basic adjustments. Supposedly is faster and cuts down on building previews.

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