Mirror less question


TPF Noob!
Oct 28, 2023
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Hi all,

After a couple of years away from the camera I’m looking to get back into it,
My question is I used to shoot with a DSLR but I am kind of leaning toward a mirror less camera,
My question is in the secondhand market what would people suggest? I was looking at the Sony A7r ii but i am open to suggestions.
My old canon DLSR was a crop sensor that I used for mainly landscape but also some portrait stuff.

Ideally I’d like a decent body and a zoom lens for around the €1k mark

Many thanks
Hi all,

After a couple of years away from the camera I’m looking to get back into it,
My question is I used to shoot with a DSLR but I am kind of leaning toward a mirror less camera,
My question is in the secondhand market what would people suggest? I was looking at the Sony A7r ii but i am open to suggestions.
My old canon DLSR was a crop sensor that I used for mainly landscape but also some portrait stuff.

Ideally I’d like a decent body and a zoom lens for around the €1k mark

Many thanks
Do some serious research on makes and models. Within each, check for any changes in lens compatibility.
Frankly, I'd advise looking for highly-rated but trailing edge MILCs, models 3-5 tears old that will likely deliver a large helping of features and IQ goodness compared to current cameras at a knock-down price.
Generally, people hang onto glass but the more obsessive types will trade in/sell bodies to acquire the newest stuff. Be patient.
G'day Rex

Panasonic and Olympus have had mirrorless m4/3 cameras on the market longer than the others -- who have all joined the fray as the years have gone by

I chose a Panny "G" mirrorless a decade ago and it has served me very well all these years. Back then it was a 12mpx sensor - today's jobs are double that, but it has never stopped me putting together 16" x 20" posters on occasion

For me, the best part of the Panny m4/3 stuff is the size and weight ... the G2 body is the same dimensions of my old Pentax film camera, rather than the huge size of (to me- too many) dSLRs with their heavy bodies and large lenses. Current "G" series are somewhat larger than my old G2, but still heaps smaller and lighter that most of the APS or FF digitals of today

Hope this helps
G'day Rex

Panasonic and Olympus have had mirrorless m4/3 cameras on the market longer than the others -- who have all joined the fray as the years have gone by

I chose a Panny "G" mirrorless a decade ago and it has served me very well all these years. Back then it was a 12mpx sensor - today's jobs are double that, but it has never stopped me putting together 16" x 20" posters on occasion

For me, the best part of the Panny m4/3 stuff is the size and weight ... the G2 body is the same dimensions of my old Pentax film camera, rather than the huge size of (to me- too many) dSLRs with their heavy bodies and large lenses. Current "G" series are somewhat larger than my old G2, but still heaps smaller and lighter that most of the APS or FF digitals of today

Hope this helps
Thanks Phil,

The weight and bulk is a big part of wanting to move mirrorless, I’m leaning towards Ff, if you were to lose your current body what would you replace it with?


Hi all,

After a couple of years away from the camera I’m looking to get back into it,
My question is I used to shoot with a DSLR but I am kind of leaning toward a mirror less camera,
My question is in the secondhand market what would people suggest? I was looking at the Sony A7r ii but i am open to suggestions.
My old canon DLSR was a crop sensor that I used for mainly landscape but also some portrait stuff.

Ideally I’d like a decent body and a zoom lens for around the €1k mark

Many thanks
Rather than copy the fan boys, you might do your own thinking and select the system that's best suited for YOU. A lot can be learned from downloading and studying user's manuals, then borrow or rent what seems most promising. Generally you'll need to adapt to the camera, rather than the other way round. That seems to be difficult for many folks, but it's important to realize.
You mention mirrorless to save weight and bulk, then talk of full frame - of necessity most full-frame lenses are larger and heavier than those for smaller formats and your overall system could be bulkier and heavier.
Thanks Phil,

The weight and bulk is a big part of wanting to move mirrorless, I’m leaning towards Ff, if you were to lose your current body what would you replace it with?


Hi Rex
ps- Razky's response alongside this is also quite relevant too

There are 2- answers to your Q and dilemma ...
a)- I am considering an upgrade to the Panny G9 - recently superceded by the G9ii - and the G9 in Aussie $ is $A1300 and I can use my current lenses
b)- When I am out & about + bushwalking + involved with carrying 'other stuff', my tag-along unit is the Panny FZ-300

I well realise that many here do not like to suggest a small sensor camera, but it really is a superb unit. All the expected P-A-S-M bits plus other stuff to play with too. The Leica lens is damn sharp and the 24x zoom is a constant-aperture design, meaning that you have F2,8 all the way out to 600mm FF equiv. I / you can shoot RAW+ JPG if you wish (I use JPG all the time)

Happy to chat more if you wish + Hope this helps

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