miniature Corvette


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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The latest of my miniature series. The grand kids enjoy the photos. I print out the original background photo and ask them for input on how and where they want to stand. They included their friend in this one. I did a separate one of just him with his favorite toy.

Car miniature by Cheryl, on Flickr
The latest of my miniature series. The grand kids enjoy the photos. I print out the original background photo and ask them for input on how and where they want to stand. They included their friend in this one. I did a separate one of just him with his favorite toy.

Okay Cheryl you win the Grandkids photo shoot!!!!! This is so awesome. Can you see the green glow of jealousy in the far south?
Wow! Very cool. What grand kid wouldn't think this is cool?
The latest of my miniature series. The grand kids enjoy the photos. I print out the original background photo and ask them for input on how and where they want to stand. They included their friend in this one. I did a separate one of just him with his favorite toy.

Okay Cheryl you win the Grandkids photo shoot!!!!! This is so awesome. Can you see the green glow of jealousy in the far south?

Lol Bill. I heard through the grandparent grapevine that you are making a special Halloween set for your grand daughter.

Wow! Very cool. What grand kid wouldn't think this is cool?

Great job!
Lol Bill. I heard through the grandparent grapevine that you are making a special Halloween set for your grand daughter.

Maybe, though after this shot of yours, I might need to work on it some more.:stung:
Fun stuff! I like this miniature Corvette shot with the kids!
This is excellent! I'm upset that I haven't caught any others from your miniature series. Sooooooo cute!
This is excellent! I'm upset that I haven't caught any others from your miniature series. Sooooooo cute!

Thanks Zulu! I haven't shared many here. I made this album today on Flickr for the photos on Flickr. Some are miniature and some are fantasy.
Miniature & Fantasy Photos

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