Looky Here!!!


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Aug 16, 2007
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I am Canadian, eh.
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Comments and CC welcome!!


The vignette is a bit much.
The vignette is a bit much.


The difficulty I had with the 1st one, was that I liked the detail of it...but without the vignette it's just the centre of a monument, with some grass visible on the ground, you know? So, I wasn't sure what else to do with it.

In the 2nd, I thought that it offered a bit of a "glow" from the Virgin Mary??

Ah, well....thank you for the comment!! ;)
I liked them, the glow was really kinda cool. You can really see how pure the stone is where you are. In NY, ours are all eaten to hell by acid rain and lichen, and dumbass kids.
I liked them, the glow was really kinda cool. You can really see how pure the stone is where you are. In NY, ours are all eaten to hell by acid rain and lichen, and dumbass kids.

Thanks!! :wink:

Yeah...well, what you don't see in the photo is all the lichen....and birdie doo-doo....LOL!!...and well, just as an aside, if you look real close under the Virgin's nose....there is some creepy little insect. Looks like it's coming out her nose! :lol: Looks to me like a spider-type thing!!!
Well, ya know old age has set in and she's got the nose hairs....getting old is rough. :lmao:
Well, ya know old age has set in and she's got the nose hairs....getting old is rough. :lmao:
Nice shooting Arto. Really dig your comp in the second image too. The vignette does not bother me. Kinda creates a halo around Mary
I just yanked an ear hair an inch long. :lmao::lmao::lmao:
Nice shooting Arto. Really dig your comp in the second image too. The vignette does not bother me. Kinda creates a halo around Mary
I just yanked an ear hair an inch long. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Tooooo much info there, Chill!!! LOL!!

Thanks for the comments...I appreciate it! ;)

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